Hi and thanks for stopping by to read my blog about Bands, Birds, Baking, Bones and now Voice Over. This will takes us on my trek through moments of my life and what I learned along the way.
I’ve always liked to write albeit mostly corporate emails with my job, but I’ve decided to take you on my journey and how I came to the realization I wanted to delve into the Voice Over world.

I have several “hobbies” such as birdwatching, baking (yes, I did sourdough before it came a thing last year!)
motorcycling (Harley Davidsons of course!)
and singing (I like it all, but jazz and big band WOW).
Over the course of this blog, I’ll share moments of my life that led me to Voice Over, How my days of birding came to be and who’s visiting my backyard and some of my great baking accomplishments (well, I’m amazed, so they must be great right?). I’ll most likely start with my beginning to give you a little background of how I became who I am. You may or may not be intrigued, but hey, it may help others along the way!
I do need to post a disclaimer… This is how I REMEMBER it, so some parts may be blurry, some people may think it happened differently, but hey, I’m telling the story here!
So…Hang out, hang on and enjoy the ride…
I’ll be posting my first installment shortly. Stay tuned for Bands, Birds, Baking, Bones!